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STS Basic Training (start here)
1.0 Introduction & Overview
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Brain Health & IQ (Daniel Amen & Jordan Peterson) (25:17)
1.2 Meaning & Purpose (Viktor Frankl) (20:40)
1.3 Addiction & Our Default Settings (Johann Hari & David Foster Wallace) (37:25)
1.4 The Human Condition (Yuval Harari) (26:54)
1.5 Progress Assessment #1
2.0 Inside my skull-sized kingdom
2.1 Who am I? (I am My Connectome) (Sebastian Seung) (58:52)
2.2 Why do I behave as I do? (Neurotransmitters) (Simon Sinek) (45:50)
2..3 What do I believe? (Reticular Activating System) (Mark Dawes & Blaine Oellkers) (24:40)
2.4 The power of Beliefs (Amy Cuddy & Kelly McGonigal) (32:48)
2.5 Progressive Assessment #2
3.0 Outside my skull-sized kingdom
3.1 Join Tribe, Nudge Forward (19:11)
3.2 How to Nudge (23:07)
3.3 How to Tell a Compelling Story (35:18)
3.4 Crisis Leadership (68:12)
3.5 Progressive Assessment #3
4.0 Stoicism
4.0 Introduction (15:24)
4.1 Stoicism basics (39:15)
4.2 How to build self-discipline (12:55)
4.3 Summary of Stoicism (31:13)
4.4 A Guy like the rest of Us (10:10)
4.5 Progressive Assessment #4
5.0 Employment Planning Workshop
5.1 Employment Planning Workshop #1 (19:06)
5.2 Employment Planning Workshop #2 (12:39)
1.-A Welcome to the Hero's Journey (11:06)
2-A What’s so special about the human brain (Suzanna Herculano) (13:31)
2-B The Unconscious mind (38:51)
2-C Grit & Growth Mindset (16:36)
3-A Choice is a Bitch (20:22)
3-B Words of Advice (15:04)
3-C Self Motivation (15:53)
4.2 Pure Leadership (Marcus Aurelius) (42:00)
4.-A Plato's Cave (9:37)
4-B Basic Stoicism (24:32)
4-C Wisdom (20:45)
4-D A Gentler form of Success (16:51)
3.2 How to Nudge
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